Dealing With Anger In a Healthy Way

Publication Date: August 12, 2023

The rush of adrenaline, the tightening of muscles and the need to express ourselves when we are angry is something almost every one of us has experienced. We all experience anger in differing degrees throughout our lives, ranging from a short feeling of annoyance to violent rage. It’s absolutely natural to be angry.

Anger expressed in a healthy way can help reduce unpleasant feelings while also serving as a source of motivation or creativity. When anger becomes destructive or out of control when it goes beyond a natural outburst of frustration it can cause problems in your life, job, and relationships with others. It can also have a negative impact on your physical and mental well-being. That is why it is critical to understand how to deal with extreme uncontrolled anger.

Nobody needs to feel like they’re being ruled by an irregular and unpredictable emotion. When confronted with provocation or opposition, it’s critical to keep your anger under control and feel in command of your reactions. Controlling anger before it rules you is where the concept of anger management comes from.


Understanding Anger

Anger is the psychological reaction to perceived danger, provocation, or a hostile circumstance. It can take the form of an emotion or a response to an internal or external trigger. Anger drives us to act in a variety of ways. You might say hurtful things to people you care about, or you might even feel the need to cry.

Anger can be exhibited in a variety of ways, but passive-aggressiveness, open aggressiveness, and assertive anger are the most common.

●     Passive Aggression– When someone exhibits their anger by being silent, brooding, or ignoring the object or person that has made them furious, either to avoid confrontation or because they are unable to recognize that they are upset.

●     Open aggression– This is when someone expresses their anger in a violent or manipulative manner. Bullying and other physically and verbally abusive methods are used to express it.

●     Assertive Anger– This is the healthiest form of anger, which entails open communication between the aggressor and the person who is furious, as well as control and confidence for the one who is angry.

There is almost always an underlying need or want that has not been addressed when we are angry. This can be something measurable or the desired emotion (such as the desire to be respected or loved). Understanding our anger might be challenging because it isn’t always clear where it comes from.

People frequently are unaware of their anger until it is too late. Extreme and excessive rage can do a lot of damage and has a lot of negative implications. Anger management is crucial since it teaches you how to recognize when you’re angry and how to respond more responsibly.

Anger Management

Anger management entails being able to recognize the indicators of anger and learning to control your emotions in a challenging circumstance by dealing with your rage in a responsible and constructive manner. It’s a method for identifying and resolving the triggers that frustrate you with assertiveness and control.

Anger management does not attempt to prevent you from ever becoming angry, nor does it urge you to keep your anger inside. Instead, it’s about learning how to express anger in a healthy and appropriate manner.

Identifying the signs that you’re about to become angry is the first step towards successful anger management. If you exhibit two or more of the following indicators, you may require assistance in managing your anger:

●     When you’re upset, you threaten to harm individuals or their belongings.

●     Using physical violence or verbal abuse against other people.

●     Exhibiting risky and irresponsible behaviour, such as driving recklessly.

●     Avoiding events because you’re afraid of how you’ll react.

●     Constantly getting into fights with strangers that have a tendency to get violent.

●     Persistent pessimism or fixating on negative experiences.

●     Feeling unpleasant or hostile constantly.

●     Feeling the urge to keep your anger in check.

There are a range of factors that contribute to one constantly feeling angry. A person’s genetic or biological variables play a part in deciding whether or not they have a low level of frustration tolerance. Furthermore, when one is trained to repress anger, learning to control anger is generally more difficult. This can lead to a more significant anger problem over time.


Healthy Ways To Deal With Anger

To keep your anger at bay, effective anger management frequently relies on coping skills to better efficiently handle these strong emotions and avoid triggers.

  1. Problem Solving

Approaching challenging situations with a problem-solving mindset can help manage anger. There will be moments when it appears hard to find solutions to some problems, but it is critical to confront challenges head-on and with patience. In a tense situation, repeating calming words to yourself and practicing simple breathing exercises might help you stay balanced and composed.

  1. Open Communication

Learning to better engage with people that provoke your anger by employing a more open communication style is maybe the most crucial method. When you’re in a stressful situation, it’s best to take a deep breath and think about what you want to say so you don’t hurt the other person. It’s also a good idea to pay attention to what the other person is saying, process it, and double-check what you’ve heard to make sure you haven’t misunderstood their words or actions. This tactic is usually far more effective than being on the defensive and fighting back.

  1. Avoiding Triggers

It’s far preferable to be able to deal successfully with matters that irritate you; if you’re prone to violent outbursts in your immediate environment, you can practice anger management by leaving or avoiding that environment. It’s also a good idea to stay away from other recognized triggers.

  1. Positive Mindset

Anger management can also be aided by adopting a positive attitude. Remind yourself that lashing out rarely solves the situation; instead, it usually intensifies it. It’s critical to learn to be less demanding of people and more understanding and accepting of them.

How Can Online Therapy With TalkTime Help?

If you have tried the techniques above and still feel like your anger is causing you problems or that you are prone to rage when triggered, it’s time to talk to a licensed mental health professional or a psychologist about developing a personalized anger management strategy tailored to your specific life circumstances.

An online therapist will usually fill out progress reports to ensure that your anger management treatment is effective and that you are on track to meet your objectives. You can always check with your therapist where you are headed hence, reducing uncertainty and allowing you to gain confidence. It will be easy to interact with your online therapist since it’s done from the comfort of your home and at a convenient time for you. With TalkTime, you have complete control over the privacy of your therapy sessions.

TalkTime’s mental health professionals are trained and experienced in dealing with anger management problems. An online therapist can communicate with you in a variety of methods, including video chats, phone conversations, and messaging, depending on your preferences and availability. You can access confidential, one-on-one treatment that is geared to make you feel at ease and supported. Contact us at TalkTime today to consult with a therapist that can best assist you.

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